World Halotherapy Association Annual Symposium

29th & 30th November 2022

We had an incredible 2 days of Education, Insights and Inspiration from many incredible Global Experts as we explored this year's theme - Connection.

"The breath is seen to be the key between the emotional state, the mental state, and physical state. It is perhaps the most important tool, and it's one whose importance is underestimated in the West." Paul Harvey.

All of our presentations & talks are now available within our membership area to view on demand at your leisure!

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And if you are not yet a member of the WHA, please JOIN US today to gain access to many other great resources and people to help you become wildly successful and part of a great community!


Stay tuned, the WHA website is being completely modernized with much more content and offerings added- please excuse the inconvenience, some of the pages/content may not be available while under construction. Check back in a few weeks!